Gallery Larkspur Antiques

#Faience #Sandstone #Decorative objects #Porcelain #Asian Arts

A few words about our Gallery

Larkspur Antiques

Who are we?

This is a small online gallery based in France offering a range of antique, vintage and collectible objects from Europe across to Asia with international delivery options. I hope you will enjoy browsing my shop.  All prices are negotiable within reason, but please be aware that they do not include any additional fees such as taxes or import duties which are always the responsibility of the buyer.

All information in the listings is provided in good faith.  I often discuss my pieces with other dealers but I would invite you always to do your own research too, as none of us are infallible.  If you have any questions, or are looking for something in particular that I may be able to help with, please send me a message. I speak English, French and German.  

Siret 891 108 169 00014

Our contact details

Julia McDonald EI
Bretagne, France
(Member )
Speaks English, French, German

A selection of our products

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