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From the 14th century onwards, representations of the Virgin of Humility gradually replaced those of the Virgin in Majesty, seated on her throne as befits her position and dominating the earthly world.
The Black Death prompted more humble creations, closer to the suffering people.
The throne disappeared, the face was more human and therefore closer to the people, and the feet were sometimes bare.
Our carved walnut Virgin is seated, her back hollowed out. With a veil draped over the back of her head, she wears a belted gown and a mantle hanging over her chest, with one side hanging over the front. The Child on her lap has disappeared.
A Spanish work from the second half of the 16th century.
Dimensions: 64.5 cm high, 32 cm wide and 32 cm deep.
Missing parts, accidents and old wormholes.
A piece appraised by Mrs. Laurence FLIGNY