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Superb and important ironwood panel, 38 x 130 cm, depicting the avatars, ten incarnations of the god Vishnu. Good condition.
In Hinduism, Vishnu appears as a protective and benevolent god. He is in fact one of the 3 faces of the supreme entity Isvarsa, born of the Original Force called Purusha (the Trinity is completed by Brahmâ - the Creator - and Shiva - the Destroyer). Vishnu is responsible for ensuring the continuity of all things and beings in the Universe. He is often depicted as a young, blue-skinned man with several arms, performing the Cosmic Dance to preserve the order of things. In his hands are a conch shell, a disc, a club and a lotus flower.
He wears a richly set crown, a necklace adorned with the Kausthuba jewel and a tuft of curly hair on his chest. He rides the divine bird Garuda and has the gentle Lakshmi as his companion. He comes to the aid of anyone who invokes him, and returns to Earth whenever the proper ordering of things or the moral order is greatly threatened: this is the cycle of Vishnu's incarnations, each time taking on a different form: an avatar! Tradition has set the number of avatars of this god at 10: 9 have already appeared, the last one marking the end of our world!
Matsya, the fish, 2 Kurma, the tortoise, 3 Varâha, the boar, 4 Narasimha, the lion-man (Nara = man, simha = lion), 5 Vamana, the dwarf, 6 Parashurama, 7 Râma, 8 Krishna "darkness" or "black", 9 Siddhartha Gautama, Buddha, 10 Kalkî "time", eschatological figure. Incarnation "to come".
Vishnu is the principal vaishnava god. Chaitanya is considered to be Vishnu's avatar as the incarnation of Krishna.
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