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Northern Thailand
First half of the 20th century,
31 x 8.5 cm
Nice patina, cracks to be noticed
Private collection
The statuette is composed of several finely worked pieces assembled together, the right foot pierced under the plant which would allow a welcome pedestal.
The Buddha is depicted standing in samabhanga, his long body exuding great sensuality, with a small curved torso and soft shoulders in contrast to the thread-like appearance of his upper and lower limbs. The left arm is positioned alongside the body, the right arm bent, palm turned outwards in a position of absence of fear (abhaya mudra), the hands with long tapered fingers. He is dressed in the uttarasanga monastic robe, which covers him completely up to his calves, the robe being girded by a cloth, one side of which falls in a straight line from the navel.
The face, characterized by a great gentleness, presents raised eyebrows in a semicircle overhanging eyes with half-closed eyelids and meeting above an aquiline nose, the latter overcoming a fleshy mouth with a pinched smile. The headdress features the classic cranial protuberance (usnisa) from which a high flamed ornament (rasmi), borrowed from Sinhalese images, springs, symbolizing the spiritual radiance of the Blessed One. The ears, with their lobes distended by the weight of the ornaments, symbolize the royal origin of the historical Buddha, while the neck presents the three classical folds of beauty.