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Reclining Buddha
Former Kingdom of Siam
19th century
°°° Price can be reasonably negotiated °°°
The Buddha is depicted in the Paranirvana position, lying on his right side, with his bent elbow resting on a cushion, his left arm resting on his body and his head delicately resting on his right hand. He is dressed in samgathi and uttarasangha, with the right shoulder uncovered and the left shoulder covered by a piece of cloth that extends to mid-thigh. Both feet are joined, and the hands have long, tapered fingers.
The face is full-bodied, with wide, semicircular superciliary arches meeting at the base of the nose, framed by large, half-closed, almond-shaped eyes, and a thin-lipped mouth with a discreet smile. The skull is covered with a multitude of small spikes, topped by the ushnisha (cranial protuberance) from which springs a high flamed ornament (rasmi), and large ears with distended lobes.
In the Buddhist tradition, Parinirvana is the designation of complete Nirvana, that which leads to total liberation from the cycle of death and rebirth, and the dissolution of all mental aggregates (form, feeling, perception, mental fabrications and consciousness).
For the historical Buddha (Siddharta Gautama), Parinirvâna occurred at Kushinagar in the present-day state of Uttar Pradesh in India.
Lacquered and gilded wood
29.7 x 19.6 cm overall
Wear and tear
European private collection
°°° Please note that the overall color is lighter than suggested by the digital processing of the image °°°°
Ref: 7T463R74JA