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Ritual whistle with menacing warrior figure
Veracruz culture, 450 - 750 A.D.
°°° Price can be reasonably negotiated °°°
The figure is shown standing, legs spread, arms detached from the body and hands resting on the thighs in a defiant attitude. He is adorned with a small loincloth and a wide necklace made using the pastillage technique. The oversized face features incised eyes, an eagle's beak nose and a mouth with a pronounced sneer in defiance. The ears are adorned with large, circular tambas (ear pendants), while the top of the skull is adorned with a double headband and a clever headdress featuring two large lenticular motifs in the center and two quadrangular protrusions at the ends. Part of the face is adorned with a black warrior paint, in this case bitumen (chapopote), clearly indicating the character's bellicose intentions as a warrior or pelota player.
Brown ceramic
13.4 x 9.5 cm excluding base
Minor damage and restoration to the headdress
Sold at the Foire des Antiquaires, Paris, 1982
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