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Representation of the White Tara
Western Tibet
16th century
White Tara is the emanation of the bodhisattva Avalokitesvara, the bodhisattva of compassion. She is shown standing in slight tribbanga (triple flexion) on a high base patterned with inverted lotus petals and leaning against a double mandorla. The slim body with its graceful sway presents an opulent chest giving the piece great sensuality. The right arm is detached from the body, slightly bent, the hand in the varada mudra position (gesture of giving), the left arm bent, palm of the hand at chest height and turned outwards in kartari mudra (mudra of refuge ). She is dressed in a fine dhoti draped around the hips adjusted by a finely crafted belt, a section of fabric passing between the legs.
She is richly adorned with bracelets around her arms, ankles and wrists as well as a long Brahminical cord, the bare chest welcoming a large necklace.
Lotus stems delicately blossom at the level of the legs as well as at shoulder height from which two flowers bloom.
The face with great interiority presents perfectly rounded marigold arches meeting at the base of an aquiline nose overlooking a delicate mouth with a slight smile. The urna and eyes inlaid with silver, the hairstyle elaborated in a high bun, locks of hair falling delicately on the forehead. The ears with distended lobes have circular ornaments resting on the shoulders.
We find the influences of neighboring Kashmir in the modeling of the face, the long eyes inlaid with silver, the slightly rounded belly as well as in the exuberant ornamentation.
Bronze and silver inlays
18.7 x 9cm
Traces of gilding