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Maravijaya Buddha
17th century
Former Kingdom of Siam, Northern Province / Laos
The Buddha is depicted seated in the sattvaparyanka position, his right leg resting on his left. The right hand rests on the right knee, fingers pointing to the ground in the position of taking the Earth as witness (bhumisparsa mudra), the left hand placed in his lap, palm facing the sky.
The body is corpulent, with broad shoulders and long arms, delicate hands and slender fingers. He is dressed in samgathi and uttarasangha, with the right shoulder uncovered and the left shoulder draped over the navel. The gentle face is characterized by wide, semi-circular eyebrows meeting at the base of the nose, framed by large, half-closed, almond-shaped eyes. The thin-lipped mouth reveals a pronounced smile. The skull, covered with a multitude of small pecks, is topped by the usnisa, large ears with distended lobes.
The representation of our Buddha is one of the most widespread images in Buddhist iconography: the onslaught of Mara, the god of death, ruler of desires and master of illusion, eager to maintain his supremacy over the world, claims for himself his place under the Bodhi tree and demands that the Buddha produce a witness to his spiritual Awakening. The Blessed One simply touches the ground with his right hand, and the Earth immediately responds: "I am a witness".
Bronze, formerly gilded
Deep brown patina
31.7 x 25.7 cm excluding base
Private collection
Ref: 7B60PQS0IP