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Siam (Thailand)
End of XIXth and beginning of XXth century
38.5 x 12 cm
Good condition
Private collection
Representation of Buddha in Sukhothai style, depicted standing and walking. He is dressed in a samgathi plastered to the body, "emphasizing the idealized aspect of the anatomy with wide thighs and elongated legs, and reinforcing the movement of the hips with subtle flights of cloth", leaving the right shoulder uncovered. The left arm bent, the hand in vitarka mudra (gesture of argumetation), the thumb and the index finger joining. The right arm stretched and free from the body, "round and firm like an elephant's trunk", the right leg bent in movement. The body with broad shoulders receives a powerful chest inflated with vital breath as well as a slightly bounced belly. The face has a perfect oval shape and almond-shaped eyes with half-closed eyelids overhung by large eyebrows with a perfect curvature giving birth to an aquiline nose above a mouth with thin lips sketching a slight smile.
The hairstyle is made up of a multitude of small spikes drawing a delicate V at the hairline, the top of the skull receiving the usnisa from which springs a flamed ornament, the neck adorned with the three folds of beauty.
This iconography of the walking Buddha can be found in the historical park of Sukhothai.