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Painting Crucifixion of Christ
Oil on canvas representing the crucifixion of Christ.
The white body of Christ contrasts with the dark background, a contrast Rembrandt masterfully favored.
The body does not appear to be suffering or tortured by the nails. Christ is serene on The Cross.
The head of Christ is turned to the left.
In the background, we see a landscape representing Golgotha, the place of Christ's Calvary.
At the top of the Cross are the initial letters of the Latin words Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudaeorum, i.e. "Jesus the Nazarene, King of the Jews", which Pilate had put on the Cross.
This painting dates from the 18th / 19th century.
There is a signature on the painting in the lower left corner that is difficult to read.
The painting is in good condition, there has been one repair made.
Size of the painting:
Canvas: 60cm x 74cm (23,6'' x 29'')
With the frame: 69cm x 83cm (27'' x 32,6'')