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Very fine painting by Lazare Volovick depicting himself in his studio in Paris. Size: 38 cm x 46 cm
Lazare Volovick was a Russian painter born on January 25, 1902 in Krementchouk, Russia (now Ukraine), and died in Paris on April 11, 1977.
Volovick arrived in Paris in 1921. He had no money, no connections and no place to sleep. He had only one address: "the cafés of Montparnasse". So he went to La Rotonde. To survive, Volovick often posed as a model for sculptors. But he continued to paint, either at the Académie de la Grande Chaumière, or with painter friends.
In 1923, he found a studio in the artists' housing estate La Ruche, where he worked until the war. His studio adjoined those of Krémègne, Kikoïne and, from 1925, Chapiro.
Volovick's first exhibition, with Soutine and Krémègne, is organized in 1924 at the Galerie "La Licorne".
He exhibited at Galerie André Maurice (1958), with "La Ruche" (Volovick, Chagall, Krémègne, Léger, Modigliani, Soutine, Indenbaum, Zadkine) at Galerie Montmorency (1960). He takes part in exhibitions of Russian artists from the École de Paris, at the Maison de la Pensée française (1961) and Galerie Agora, Paris (1962) with Lanskoy, Pougny, Larionov, Goncharova, Blond, Térèchkovitch and Krémègne. In 1963, exhibition at Galerie Serret-Fauveau in Paris, where Dr. Miller helped him organize several exhibitions (in 1965 and 1967). The evolution of his work from 1967 onwards towards a more vibrant range of colors can be followed in these exhibitions. Groupe Cap 12" exhibition at the Galene Drouant, Paris.