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Old painting oil on canvas school of the 18th century.
This painting shows a couple each holding a glass of wine. The man is pouring wine into the woman's glass. The woman holds a small white dog in her arms.
The 2 characters are looking at us.
Behind this couple, there is an outside landscape, tree.
An oval frame has been painted on the picture and the cup is in the middle.
Wine, in small doses, is often the ally of seduction, of love, if not of eroticism. Do we not speak of drunkenness of love and drunkenness of the senses? In the 16th century, Dutch painters were the first to illustrate the role of wine in seduction. Works celebrating the five senses (a theme dear to the classics) are no exception to this novelty, whether with The Sense of Taste by Jan Breughel the Elder, with a more intellectual approach, or with the Allegory of the Five Senses by Simon de Vos. In the latter painting, the five senses are represented through the evocation of a joyful company and if taste is represented by bottles of wine, sight is represented by the lovers casting a distraught glance at each other
The dog is traditionally the symbol of fidelity; in paintings it is represented in hunting scenes or accompanied by a woman. In the latter case it can be linked to matrimonial fidelity.
In the middle of the XVII century in the United Provinces, the intimacy of the house where the woman goes about her daily business becomes a new genre of painting among the variety that already exists in this region with a developed art trade. The pet begins at this time to attract attention and in France at the end of the eighteenth century the philosopher Rousseau will recognize their nature gifted with sensitivity.
The small dog was very present in the genre scene of the XVIIth century in Holland. This breed of small dog also called today kooïkerhondje was the ideal companion for a population more and more well-to-do and when the painting of kind appeared it joined the pictorial compositions. The artists thus put forward the intimate link between the dog and its masters, but also between the painted scene and the animal.
Condition : The canvas has defects, small lack of paint, trace of the frame, small dent.
Date : 18th century school
Dimension :
with frame : 36cm x 46cm
without frame : 28,5cm x 39,5cm
Ref: 9D8VPGD3W0