Modern painting Michel RODDE (1913-2009) The cliff Granet museum of Aix-en-Provence
Modern painting Michel RODDE (1913-2009) The cliff Granet museum of Aix-en-Provence
Modern painting Michel RODDE (1913-2009) The cliff Granet museum of Aix-en-Provence
Modern painting Michel RODDE (1913-2009) The cliff Granet museum of Aix-en-Provence
Modern painting Michel RODDE (1913-2009) The cliff Granet museum of Aix-en-Provence
Modern painting Michel RODDE (1913-2009) The cliff Granet museum of Aix-en-Provence
Modern painting Michel RODDE (1913-2009) The cliff Granet museum of Aix-en-Provence
Modern painting Michel RODDE (1913-2009) The cliff Granet museum of Aix-en-Provence
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Modern painting Michel RODDE (1913-2009) The cliff Granet museum of Aix-en-Provence

20th century
50's, 60's, 70's
From: 93130, Noisy le Sec, France

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    Large and magnificent painting by Michel RODDE (1913-2009) La falaise, Oil on canvas, signed lower right.   72 x 115 cm
    RODDE (Michel), painter born on April 27, 1913 in La Grand-Combe (Gard) and died on February 20, 2009 in Aiguèze (Gard). (see wikipedia page)

    He followed Mac-Avoy's courses at the Académie de la Grande Chaumière. The Othon-Friesz prize obtained in 1952 jointly with Jean Commère made him known to art lovers and critics. In 1956, he occupied the position left vacant by Robert Humblot at the school of crafts and then in 1965, he succeeded Jean Aujame at the Académie de la Grande Chaumière. The freedom of his touch created admiration. Michel Rodde became renowned for giving birth to his subjects by sublimating them with contrasts of shadow and light.

    Many French museums hold his works including the Granet Museum in Aix-en-Provence, the Calvet Museum in Avignon, the Museum of Modern Art in Paris, Poitiers Sainte Croix Museum, Puteaux National Contemporary Art Fund.... etc… Renowned private collections hold his paintings, such as that of Jacqueline Kennedy.

    This superb work, an oil on canvas, represents cliffs (Donzere?), on the edge of abstraction. The technique and the color palette are typical of this artist's talent.

    Large and magnificent painting by Michel RODDE (1913-2009) The cliff, Oil on canvas, signed lower right. 72 x 115cm

    RODDE (Michel), painter born April 27, 1913 in La Grand-Combe (Gard) and died February 20, 2009 in Aiguèze (Gard). (see Wikipedia page)

    He took Mac-Avoy’s classes at the Académie de la Grande Chaumière. The Othon-Friesz prize obtained in 1952 jointly with Jean Commère made him known to art lovers and critics. In 1956, he occupied the position left vacant by Robert Humblot at the art school then in 1965, he succeeded Jean Aujame at the Académie de la Grande Chaumière. The freedom of his touch creates admiration. Michel Rodde became renowned for giving birth to his subjects by sublimating them with contrasts of light and shadow.

    Many French museums keep his works including the Granet Museum in Aix-en-Provence, the Calvet Museum in Avignon, the Museum of Modern Art of the city of Paris, Poitiers Musée Sainte Croix, Puteaux Fond national d'art contemporain.... etc... Renowned private collections have his paintings like that of Jacqueline Kennedy.

    This superb work, an oil on canvas, represents cliffs (Donzere?), on the verge of abstraction. The technique and the color palette are typical of the talent of this artist.


    Great and magnificent picture by Michel RODDE (1913-2009) El acantilado, Óleo sobre lienzo, firmado abajo a la derecha.  72x115cm

    RODDE (Michel), pintor born on April 27 of 1913 in La Grand-Combe (Gard) and false on February 20 of 2009 in Aiguèze (Gard). (see Wikipedia page)

    Tomó classes of Mac-Avoy in the Académie de la Grande Chaumière. The first Othon-Friesz obtained in 1952 together with Jean Commère the dio a conocer entre los aantes del arte y los criticos. In 1956, Robert Humblot occupied the vacant post at the art school and in 1965, he succeeded Jean Aujame at the Academia de la Grande Chaumière. The freedom of your hat generates admiration. Michel Rodde is famous for his life in his sublime subjects with contrasts of lights and darkness.

    Many French museums are preserved among them the Museo Granet de Aix-en-Provence, the Museo Calvet de Aviñón, the Museo de Arte Moderno de la ciudad de Paris, Poitiers Musée Sainte Croix, Puteaux Fond national d'art contemporain.... etc... Renowned collections include private paintings such as those by Jacqueline Kennedy.

    This magnificent object, an oil of its own, represents acantilados (Donzere?), at the edge of the abstraction. The technique and the palette of colors are propias of the talent of this artist.


    Big and small gems of Michel RODDE (1913-2009) Die Klippe, Öl auf Leinwand, unten rechts signiert.  72 x 115 cm

    RODDE (Michel), Maler, was born on 27 April 1913 in La Grand-Combe (Gard) and was born on 20 February 2009 in Aiguèze (Gard). (see Wikipedia page)

    Er nahm an Mac-Avoy-Kursen an der Académie de la Grande Chaumière teil. Der 1952 gemeinsam mit Jean Commère released Othon-Friesz-Preis machte ihn bei Kunstliebhabern und Kritikern bekannt. 1956 übernahm er die von Robert Humblot frei gewordene stelle an der Kunstschule und trat 1965 die Nachfolge von Jean Aujame an der Académie de la Grande Chaumière year. Die Freiheit seiner Berührung erzeugt Bewunderung. Michel Rodde was born, the Motive was hervorbrachte, and the contrast with the Licht und Schatten sublimierte.

    Old French Museums can be found in our works at the Granet-Museum in Aix-en-Provence, at the Calvet-Museum in Avignon, at the Museum of Modern Art in Paris, at the Musée Sainte Croix in Poitiers, at the Puteaux Fond national d'art contemporain

    Ref: XCJOIS73V6

    Condition As new
    Style 50's, 60's, 70's (Landscape Paintings of 50's, 60's, 70's Style)
    Period 20th century (Landscape Paintings 20th century)
    Country of origin France
    Shipping Time Ready to ship in 4-7 Business Days
    Location 93130, Noisy le Sec, France
    Antikeo Buyer Guarantee

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