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Gerard vulliamy 1909/2005
Pastel Dated 64. Poetry of color and form.
An abstract impressionist with obvious plastic qualities. A fine work to discover or rediscover.
He joined the "Abstraction-Création" group in 1932, and the following year held his first solo exhibition in Paris at Galerie Pierre, followed by exhibitions at Galerie Jeanne Bucher in 1943 and 1947, and his first retrospective (1932-1945) at Galerie Denise René in 1945.
From 1944 onwards, his work began to shift towards the informal. In 1948, he returned definitively to abstract painting.
Solo exhibitions at Galerie Roque in 1952 and 1959. Major retrospectives at the Darmstadt Museum in Germany (1962) and the Musée Picasso in Antibes (1978), as well as numerous exhibitions in France (Galeries Henri Benezit, Lydia Conti, Charpentier, Michèle Heyraud, etc.) and abroad (Kunsthalle Bern and Basel, Carnegie Institute Pittsburg in the U.S.A., Musée de Neuchâtel in Switzerland, Institute of Contemporary Art in London).
The Réunion des Musées Nationaux devoted a major monograph to Gérard Vulliamy at the end of 2011, authored by Lydia Harambourg. This book reveals the richness and diversity of a career that began in the Abstraction-Création movement, blossomed in Surrealism before returning to abstraction in the late 1940s.