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Religious representations systematically carry a message. Here it can enjoy a double interpretation.
Surrounded by the flames of hell, four characters await redemption, in its center, Christ with open arms descended into hell. A rare iconography placed between the episode of the descent from the cross and that of the resurrection. It indicates that for our Salvation, Christ has conquered death. This is the main message.
But this representation is also a reminder, or better a warning, that everyone "heard".
"If your right eye causes you to do wrong, tear it out and throw it away from you, for it is better for you to suffer the loss of one of your members than to see your whole body thrown into hell" Matthew 5-29
Our group in carved wood in the round and polychrome from the end of the 16th or beginning of the 17th century was probably an element of an altarpiece, from which the central Cross is missing.
On the upper part, feminine and masculine respond to each other. Our two figures probably representing donors, rather than holy figures.
Good condition – polychromy missing
Dimensions of 98 cm long by 80 cm high and 11 cm deep
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