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Louis BILLARD, alias Guy-Loÿs (painter and poet, active circa 1910-1920)
Le Roi d'Ys
Album of 15 drawings illustrating the opera Le Roi d'Ys by Édouard Lalo (Lille, 1823 - Paris, 1892), from a libretto by Édouard Blau (Blois, 1836 - Paris, 1906)
Pen, black ink, brush, watercolor and gouache highlights
Album size: 28 x 34.5 cm
Most compositions signed Guy-Loÿs, captioned and dated between 1910 and 1920, mostly in 1919.
1) Mylio et le Roi (Act III), 21.5 x 22 cm
2) Rozenn and Margared, 21.5 x 12 cm
3) Rozenn by the sea (Act I), 23 x 15 cm
4) Karnac and Mylio (Act I), 25 x 17.5 cm
5) Saint Mylio, 15.5 x 6 cm
6) Mylio's Oath (Act II, 1st panel), 25 x 17.5 cm
7) The Love of Rozenn and Mylio (Act II 1st panel), 24.5 x 17.5 cm
8) The Defeat of Karnac (Act II 2nd panel), 21.5 x 24 cm
9) Apparition of Saint Corentin, 24.5 x 17 cm
10) Margared's Sorrow, 16 x 12 cm
11) Mylio and Margared (Act III), 25.5 x 17.5 cm
12) The Innondation, 20.5 x 23 cm
13) Margared's Last Vision, 25.5 x 18 cm
14) The Waves bury Ys, the cursed city and Margared, the fisherwoman, 24.5 x 16.5 cm
15) End, 24.5 x 9.5 cm
More photos available on request.