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V. Lenepveu
anti-Semitic caricature January 1900
This is number 13 (here Senator Arthur Ranc*) of a set of caricatures published in 1899/1900 at the initiative of a certain V. Lenepveu, in the midst of the anti-Dreyfusarde campaign, under the title "Museum of Horrors", and whose publication ended at number 51 by the "Polichinelle breton" (no allusion to current news...)
Publisher: V. Lenepveu, 58 rue Dulong, Paris
65 x 50 cm
To find out more: Wikipedia, which precisely traces the history of this publication.
As is.
A copy exists at the Museum of Arts and History of Judaism in Paris.
*Arthur Ranc (1831 Poitiers - 1908 Paris): Arthuer Ranc was a journalist, director of the Journal l'Aurore, and political essayist, republican Freemason, who briefly participated in the Paris Commune before becoming senator of the Third Republic, for the Corsica from 1903 then the Seine from 1891 to 1900.
In 1888, he created with Clémenceau and Jules Joffrin the Society for Human and Citizen's Rights, recounting Caesarism and the plebiscite of General Boulanger.
He was an ardent defender of Emile Zola during his trial following his "J'accuse" (l'Aurore n°87 of January 13, 1898) and was among the first to believe in the innocence of Captain Alfred Dreyfus. (French officer wrongly convicted of treason, following the scheme set up by another French army officer, Ferdinand Walsin Esterhazy.)
Ref: 04AMT7F6ZU