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Old representation of a female fetish.
The figure is shown standing with his arms alongside his body, bending at right angles at the level of the pelvis. A slightly protruding chest takes place below a massive, cylindrical neck. Hands with finely chiseled fingers overhang a circular base that acts as a seat and provides stability to the piece that was placed directly on the floor. The head, almost imperceptibly oriented to the right, is worked in a slight round bump. The expression of the face is reinforced by the treatment of the eyes and the mouth that the artist has subtly hollowed out, thus reinforcing the contrast with the hieratic aspect of the whole. A hole dug at the top of the head made it possible to collect herbs and other prophylactic substances for the purpose of magico-religious protection.
In African culture, death, disease or disaster are never natural. They result from the harmful action of an enemy or from a failure with regard to the gods and ancestors. Good is in a way only the absence of evil, hence the importance of being constantly surrounded by an escalation of fetishes.
Without base: 8 x 3.5 cm
Condition: Patina of use
Provenance: Former Swiss collection
Ref: Q959PAFG36