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Dogon culture, Mali
Late 19th - early 20th century
Wood and pigments
H. 29 ; L 13 cm
(old accident)
Monoxyle wooden facial mask with two squares for the eyes and two gutters, making the median protrusion the nose ridge worked in notches.
It is entirely covered with white and brown ochre pigments in pellets and rings, its forehead is carved with a sawtooth frieze, its temples are flanked by two small ears and the summit part once supported an openwork animal figure.
This mask is specific to the society of the Awa initiates and was danced at the time of the Dama: the funeral ceremony of mourning that gave the deceased his status of ancestor.
Illustration : Marcel Griaule (1898-1956), Dakar-Djibouti Mission 1931 - 1933 © Musée du Quai Branly
Text and photos © FCP CORIDON