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Dan culture, Northern Ivory Coast
First half of the 20th century
Wood, vegetable fibers and pigments
H.: 21 ; L.: 12 ; Thickness: 6 cm
Anthropomorphic facial mask with circular eyes, enhanced by arched scarifications on the cheeks and forehead. The latter is slightly rounded, the half-open mouth has lips hemmed with geometric lines, the fine nose ends in two half-moon-shaped nostrils and the fine chin is embellished with a beard made of braided plant fibers.
The top of the forehead bears traces of applied vegetable gum.
The entire circumference of the mask is pierced.
The "Gunye Ge" masks function as title awards during running competitions. Indeed, in the dry season, these weekly events brought together masked and unmasked runners. The unmasked runner would precede another masked runner who would catch up. If the unmasked runner finished the race without being caught, he won the mask and had to chase an unmasked runner. Conversely, if he was caught and hit in the back and neck by the masked runner, the latter kept his title.
Text and photos © FCP CORIDON
Ref.LP : 3028