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First version translated from English
Original color lithographs by SCHEM
Preface by Frieda Lawrence
Editions des Deux rives 1956
Typography in Benedictine elzevirian and original ettrines and specially designed running titles. 16 original color lithographs printed by the workshops of Editions des Deux rives.
The English writer's 1928 novel was not printed in the UK until 1960, long after the author's death. Its publication caused a scandal because of the explicit scenes of sexual intercourse, its vocabulary considered coarse and the fact that the lovers were an aristocrat and a workman.
When first published in the UK in 1960, the trial of publishers under the Obscene Publications Act 1959 was a public event and a test of the new law. This law allowed publishers of "obscene" texts to escape conviction if they could demonstrate that the work in question had literary merit. In the case of this novel, one of the prosecution's arguments was the frequent use of the verb "fuck" and its derivatives.
Academic critics were called as witnesses, and the trial ended in an acquittal. The trial set a precedent that paved the way for greater freedom of expression in the country.
Constance, Lady Chatterley, has a landowner husband who has become paralyzed and sexually impotent. The monotonous life, an indifferent husband and sexual frustration drive her to begin an affair with the gamekeeper, Oliver Mellors.
Raoul Serres, 1881-1971, Grand Prix de Rome for engraving in 1906, signed his erotic works with the pseudonym "Schem" for his licentious drawings, ever since his pornographic illustration of the works of the Marquis de Sade caused a scandal in 1936.
In fine condition, it bears N°940 and is one of 750 copies printed on Vélin chiffon de Lana paper and numbered from 201 to 950. Height: 28.5 cm Thickness: 4 cm Width: 23.5 cm
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