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Volume 1: Corpvs ivris civilis ivstinianei. cvm accvrsii commentariis ex glossematicis, scriptis irnerii, Placentini, Hvgolini, Bvlgari, Pilei, Martini, Ioannis, Lotharii, Rogerii & aliorum collectis. Ad accvrsivm accessere . &c....... A Coloniae Allobrogum . Excudebat Stephanus Gamonetus. Sumptibus Typographicae Sociétatis. Anno M.DCXII (1612) completes and composes the first part - Volume 2: Infortiatvm sev Pandectarvm ivris civilis. Ex Pandectis Floretinis, in Lvcem Emissis... Printed by the same company on the same date. Volume 3: Digestum Nouum sev Pan'Ectarvm Ivris Civilis. Ex Pandectis Florentinis, in Lvcem.... Complete for these three Law works in Latin as it should be at the beginning of the 18th Century of the childhood of Louis XIII. Nice repetitive crown on the titles for these three works by the same publisher in 1612; text framed with columns and initials (a rare and precious remains of the Renaissance at a period when the Law had improved the rules which had in his time been instituted by Henry III....Magnificent historical pieces in more than adequate condition given the size, and the materials used in suede....